Perhaps you recall this revised post from some time back?
It appears that the glass frog mentioned below in the originally re-updated post are not the only chordates becoming transparent.
No, it's not politicians - more's the pity - it seems that there are now fish with transparent heads.
Our regular readers will not be surprised to find that the author(s) of the linked article attempt to pass this all off as a natural occurrence. No mention is made of these previous efforts at animal transparency. Further, these fish are using their new-found "clarity" as a competitive advantage. They can now look up through their own skulls to see prey which would not - until now - have worried about discovery from below.
One wonders when still higher life forms will get the "glass treatment" and just what other changes in the food chain or predator-prey relationships are in the offing.
One further wonders how a fully transparent human might manage to dominate those who remain visible. H.G. Wells had some instructive thoughts about this topic, but we oughtn't consider this question settled!
As to what is to come, time may tell, but we certainly will tell!
The Threat of Transparency - RE-UPDATED!!
The Threat of Transparency
- Scientists have added colors to worms through genetic coding.
- There may well be plans by governments and law enforcement agencies to use these colors as markers and tracking systems for criminals and other citizens.
- Japanese scientists at RIKEN have found a way to make human tissue transparent.
Treating biological tissues with the newly discovered reagent renders it transparent, allowing the underlying structures to be easily examined.
Administering the next generation of this reagent intravenously is expected to render all parts of the treated subject equally transparent.
Work is underway on an antidote to this reagent, and the word is that it's being called a deagent. It seems clear that a transparent mancould be a very effective spy
, especially when that deagent is available to restore his opacity. The one sticking point seems to be a way of retaining some level of opacity in the retinas, to allow for vision, while still reducing the appearance of floating pink discs.
When more information becomes available, we'll report back here.
Posted by Listener 43
Well, they're at it again. Scientists at Cal Tech have created a transparent mouse - complete with transparent organs! (Why that is supplied as extra information is a bit hard to
understand. If they're transparent, then their organs must be as well, no?)
Now all we need is for Putin to steal this technology and Ukraine won't be the only soon-to-be-former nation in his sights.
Posted by Listener 43
It would appear that there has been some biological leakage from one of these experimental laboratories!
Today amphibians, tomorrow higher chordates, next week primates? Science marches on to the drumbeat of despots and lunatics. Can't you see it? Hordes of transparent amphibian soldiers making their way through the marshes and estuaries of the Baltic to retake Estonia et al? No. You can't see it because they're transparent.
When we have more information, we'll report back here again.
Posted by Listener 43