Procrustes 17 is tired of the way the press and the "peer-review" ecosystem forces any facts or other speculations they may come across to fit their preconceived notions and ideas. Procrustes 17 holds advanced degrees in many disciplines, not limited to the sciences, and is a withering commentator on all things technical and nonsensical.
Procrustes 17's Posts:
The Ice Age is Coming, Baby!
FBI (Feds Bothering the Internet)
Turf Wars
News of the World
Radiation and Antibiotics
News of the World - Update!!!
CERN, Cosmic Rays, and Cover-Ups
CERN to Hide Higgs Boson
Travels in Space and Time
The US Navy: Channeling Andre Norton
Occam and Lunatics
CERN's LHC Wants Your CPU Cycles
Slowly I CERN ... Step By Step ... Inch By Inch ...
Trying to disCERN the Truth
NASA Avoids Smelling Like Musk
Procrustes 17's Posts:
The Ice Age is Coming, Baby!
FBI (Feds Bothering the Internet)
Turf Wars
News of the World
Radiation and Antibiotics
News of the World - Update!!!
CERN, Cosmic Rays, and Cover-Ups
CERN to Hide Higgs Boson
Travels in Space and Time
The US Navy: Channeling Andre Norton
Occam and Lunatics
CERN's LHC Wants Your CPU Cycles
Slowly I CERN ... Step By Step ... Inch By Inch ...
Trying to disCERN the Truth
NASA Avoids Smelling Like Musk
OOTing Out the Higgs Boson at CERN
Arctic Ozone Depletion
The Sun in Spain Shines Mainly in the Day
Finally conCERNed About Facts
Still Playing The unCERNtainty Card
CERN Boosts Their Beams
Results Are Still UnCERNtain
SETI Channels Philip K. Dick
Martian Deception? Perhaps Not
CERNs Them Right!
A 5-sigma CERNtainty Level
Arctic Ozone Depletion
The Sun in Spain Shines Mainly in the Day
Finally conCERNed About Facts
Still Playing The unCERNtainty Card
CERN Boosts Their Beams
Results Are Still UnCERNtain
SETI Channels Philip K. Dick
Martian Deception? Perhaps Not
CERNs Them Right!
A 5-sigma CERNtainty Level