- Just over a week ago, CERN scientists were telling their colleagues that they didn't have the evidence of the Higgs boson which they had previously thought they had.
- They claimed - bizarrely - that their loss in statistical certitude
meant they had a better chance of finding the so called "God particle."
- This week, they're claiming to be ahead of schedule in their search for this elusive particle. In fact, they claim they may have evidence of a discovery "by Christmas
- Somehow, the LHC has been pumping out collisions at a rate of approximately six times that they had "expected" prior to this announcement.
It seems apparent that the CERN leadership has already decided when and what their announcement will be regarding the Higgs boson, and they're trying to play the international press like a cello until then.
One can only hope they will turn out to be less unforthcoming in their science than they seem to be in their press relations.
Posted by Procrustes 17
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