- SETI had taken their radio telescope array off-line some time ago due to "lack of funds."
- They announced at the time that they would be coming back online when their liquidity improved.
- During that interim period, other researchers were discovering large numbers of potentially habitable planets in our "Milky Way" galaxy.
- Now SETI is looking for home computer owners to donate CPU cycles to their SETI @ home program for analyzing the many terabytes of data they are once again collecting.
Why haven't the non-SETI scientists released the descriptions of any rings found around these worlds, or at least denied their existence?
Are any of the newly notable suns actually surrounded by Dyson Spheres
Why are these details being kept out of the public reports of these discoveries?
We'll report more here when it becomes available. Our Area 51 observation post will be on full alert in the weeks to come.
Posted by Listener 43
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