- If the patient came for functional rhinoplasty, meaning to make the nose work better for breathing and so forth, then they were rational and/or sane in 98% of the cases
- If the patient came for cosmetic rhinoplasty, meaning to make the nose look better, then they were mentally ill in 43% of the cases.
Sometimes Truth needs a little help and exposure. We're a mixed bag of experts, thinkers, writers, and doers, each with a drive and expertise the envy of others not so fortunate. We are the ones who help expose Truth.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Nosy Eurocrats
Parsing Pelosi
Pelosi tweet: What we’re trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget..We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.As has recently been the case, this tweet takes very little parsing.
"Life on this planet as we know it today," for Pelosi is simply the life of taxing and distributing money (read "granting fiefs" if you will) in order to gain perpetual reelection.
Should any real spending reform come to pass, life as 'Representative' Pelosi has come to know it would most definitely come to an end. Frankly, I'm not sure who - apart from those directly affected in the DC-tocracy - would mourn that end.
Pay attention to what they actually say, and definitely not just to which words they mouth.
Posted by Pygmalion 56
Travels in Space and Time
In essence, the good professor's claim is that the quantum behavior of light which his team has observed also confirms the wave behavior of light. He further asserts that because a photon cannot move faster than a photon, then neither can anything else.
First, it's clear that Prof. Du is only addressing time travel to the past with this claim, as we all travel through time at 60 sec/minute, absent any particular acceleration frame.
Secondly, it's also clear that Prof. Du is overreaching in his application of this "discovery" that photons move at the speed of light.
Consider the familiar twins paradox
Observed, however, from the opposite viewpoint, the stationary twin - in a very real sense - will have traveled to his own past, as represented by his now-younger twin.
According to Einstein, it's all one which frame of reference we choose, so there's no real reason, other than convention, to choose only the future-ward time dilation.
We believe that at Groom Lake
If nothing else, there is always the Warp Drive outlined at Baylor University which addresses this precise thought experiment: they force the "ship" to remain stationary while forcing space itself to flow past at ftl speeds.
Posted by Procrustes 17
Related Posts:
CERN to Hide Higgs Boson
CERN, Cosmic Rays, and Cover-Ups
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Who Is Using All That Water?
- The European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory
has detected water being transferred to Saturn from its 6th largest moon, Enceladus.
- The water vapor ring is about ten times the radius of Saturn itself.
- The water can no longer be observed once it gets below the upper atmosphere of the planet.
Posted by Listener 43
Related Posts:
The Earth's Rotation is at Risk
Pyramids and Satellites
SETI and Timing
The Colonel and Area 51
Monday, July 25, 2011
CERN to Hide Higgs Boson
It appears that the folks at CERN's Large Hadron Collider are steering the rest of the particle-accelerator world away from particular energy levels as they all seek the Higgs Boson
We once again have to be concerned that CERN - with that worlds' largest particle accelerator - are looking to reap the benefits of proving the existence of the Higgs Boson
Until CERN is forthcoming with details of their discovery, rather than throwing elementary particle red herrings into the world's tokamaks, we have little chance of proving or disproving this dire suspicion. We can only hope that the powers that be at CERN will realize the responsibility that comes with high energy physics domination.
Posted by Procrustes 17
Related Posts:
CERN, cosmic Rays, and Cover-Ups
Radiation and Antibiotics
Thursday, July 21, 2011
They Know What's Good For Us?!?!?
In spite of the fact that there are tons of studies that show that moderate drinking is good for you, the British Medical Association has decided that alcohol is bad for everyone
The mere fact that moderate drinkers are 30% less likely to develop coronary heart disease than are teetotallers has no bearing on the Medical Association's prescriptions for their largely undiscerning victims
I will admit that there is one positive thing that I found here, and it's that there's some kind of review going on to see if the BMA makes recommendations that are in line with and based on actual science instead of their Nanny State bureaucratic wanna-be-ism as it really seems to be. Now we can just hope that this will be coming to a medical association near you - actual medical advice based on science instead of political correctness - or worse, on political correction
Wake up and Stand up, America!
Posted by Lewis Cannon
The Earth's Rotation Is At Risk
- Nepal accepts a height of 8,484m (29,029') for Mount Everest
based on a 1955 Indian survey.
- China claims its height is only 8,844m - a claim based on the height of the rock, rather than on the snow on top of the rock at the peak.
- Nepal will mount a high tech effort to measure the height, using triangulated GPS signals.
- The US National Geographic
did the same thing in 1999 - measuring it at 8,850m.
Why won't the National Geographic report the constant shift of the Earth's mass from its current, relatively even distribution to its future shape with a large bulge in the Himalayas?
What can be done to combat the coming instability of the Earth's rotation?
Will day and night have different lengths, based on the wobbling
Posted by Listener 43
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
H2O and USB

- Vitamin Water
is offering USB ports to charge mobile devices in bus shelters in various US cities.
- This is in support of their "ad positioning
" as an alternative energy source.
- There is supposed to be nothing but electrical power being supplied by these ports.
While the pseudo-altruism of free electricity is somewhat appealing, and perhaps borderline clever as well, it is quite apparent that there is more here than meets the eye. It would be nearly incredible if for every USB session initiated by electron-hungry consumers, there weren't some kind of Trojan, Worm, or Virus being initiated and/or installed.
As we've known for most of recorded history, tanstaafl - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - and there ain't no such thing as a free charge either.
Just who is behind the applications being installed, and to whom will data be delivered? We'll have updates here as soon as more data becomes available.
Posted by Listener 43
Monday, July 18, 2011
CERN, Cosmic Rays, and Cover-Ups
While the director general of CERN has carefully cloaked his language, making it appear that he is concerned about his scientists' entering the anthropogenic climate change controversy
As reported here last week, the radiation from microwave ovens
We have to be concerned that CERN, with the world's largest particle accelerator, has been experimenting with cosmic rays with energies far beyond those found in the very center of an industrial strength microwave. It seems obvious - but we won't jump to any unwarranted conclusions - that this may be nothing more than a cover for the electrical appliance industry world-wide.
Until CERN is forthcoming with full details of why they refuse to publish studies correlating sea-level ozone concentrations and brain tumor incidence with microwave oven usage, there is little chance of our finding the truth in the peer-reviewed journals.
Indeed, until that time, this blog may be your only source of analysis of this near-criminally under-reported topic.
Posted by Procrustes 17
Related Posts:
radiation and antibiotics
pyramids and satellites
Parsing the Prez #2
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Dynamite and Denial
- In Bolungarvik, Iceland avalanches are a problem.
- The town council elected to build an avalanche barrier, using dynamite
to blast through some rock in the area.
- The town was then pummeled with hand-sized rocks, damaging several houses.
- Locals understood this to be retaliation by the local elves (or huldufolk
) for the unwanted destruction of their lands.
Once again, we find the powers that be refusing to acknowledge what is commonly known - as if by denying the truth they can make it go away.
We know better - the truth may need some help from time to time, but the truth will out. Stay tuned for more reports from Iceland as details become available.
Posted by Listener 43
Raise Taxes Or The Old Lady Gets It!
Good grief, people, are you even thinking out there? Here's the man who said he was going to fundamentally transform America and he's doing it right in front of our faces in ways no thinking person can possibly think is good, nice, American, or Constitutional and we're not doing anything other than saying that John Boehner better not cave and we hope he doesn't cry about it but that doesn't really amount to much of a hill of beans in the final analysis since the president seems to think he can do whatever he wants by bureaucratic fiat or by executive orders and he's got some tame senators who don't understand that giving the Executive Branch the powers that are clearly reserved to the Legislative Branch would be a bad idea and so it's time for someone other than just yours truly to stand up and say I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more
Posted by Lewis Cannon
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
News of the World - Update!!!
Have The Mighty Fallen, Or Were They Pushed?
To recap:
- News of the World broke into private voicemail accounts.
- News of the World used the information they got there to make a load of cash by breaking stories no one else could get.
- News International - NotW's parent company - is in big trouble with the British Government in relation to these activities (generally being reported as "hacking" - see our teammate Gyro Gearloose's post on this topic for a quick yet powerful debunking of this notion).
- Rupert Murdoch may not be allowed to buy the rest of BSkyB as a result of this brouhaha, much to his chagrin.
Clearly it was to avoid the inevitable slap by the British Government, which was poised to say "NO" to the deal based on the immense furor over the badly mis-named hacking controversy by the now-defunct News of the World newspaper.
Why was the British Government - their equivalent of our Federal Government here in the USofA
The reasons are clear, feds of any nationality don't want anyone else poking around in other people's business - that's their job, and they don't like competition, and they just made a big clear expensive example of Murdoch and his brood.
Stay tuned for more!
Posted by Procrustes 17
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Radiation and Antibiotics
- There has been a marked increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of many types of bacteria.
- There has been a significant growth in the number of insect species which are resistant to the various insecticides being used in homes, in agriculture, and in other commercial activities.
- There has been a widespread increase in the incidence of childhood asthma and many previously-unknown food allergies.
As scientists will tell you, there is a major difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation as far as their abilities to cause "radiation sickness" symptoms.
As our government scientists at the CDC
Why won't our governments tell us what's really going on? Stay tuned as we continue to investigate this potentially deadly threat.
Posted by Procrustes 17
Monday, July 11, 2011
News of the World
- News of the World broke into private voicemail accounts.
- News of the World used the information they got there to make a load of cash by breaking stories no one else could get.
- News International - NotW's parent company - is in big trouble with the British Government in relation to these activities (generally being reported as "hacking" - see our teammate Gyro Gearloose's post on this topic for a quick yet powerful debunking of this notion).
- Rupert Murdoch may not be allowed to buy the rest of BSkyB as a result of this brouhaha, much to his chagrin.
The reasons are clear, feds of any nationality don't want anyone else poking around in other people's business - that's their job, and they don't like competition.
Posted by Procrustes 17
That's NOT Hacking!
Paying a corrupt cop or security guard for phone numbers isn't hacking.
Guessing someone's voicemail password isn't hacking.
Deleting voicemails from someone else's voicemail isn't hacking.
Good grief, people, at least learn what the words mean before you use them! Don't they teach anything in journalism school any more? Did they ever teach anything in journalism schools
What a bunch of chumps reporters must be - including the supposed reporters at NotW!
Posted by Gyro Gearloose