- Vitamin Water
is offering USB ports to charge mobile devices in bus shelters in various US cities.
- This is in support of their "ad positioning
" as an alternative energy source.
- There is supposed to be nothing but electrical power being supplied by these ports.
While the pseudo-altruism of free electricity is somewhat
appealing, and perhaps borderline clever as well, it is quite apparent
that there is more here than meets the eye. It would be nearly
incredible if for every USB session initiated by electron-hungry
consumers, there weren't some kind of Trojan, Worm, or Virus being initiated and/or installed.
As we've known for most of recorded history, tanstaafl - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - and there ain't no such thing as a free charge either.
Just who is behind the applications being installed, and to whom will
data be delivered? We'll have updates here as soon as more data becomes
Posted by Listener 43
--- UPDATE ---
It appears that our top-notch federal are finally catching up with us here at this site.
This link will take you to a legacy media site's coverage of this new discovery.
- This is not the same threat we identified here a dozen years ago.
- This does show that we've been out in front of the pack, identifying threats to your security.
- This also raises the question, "Has the FBI finished slurping your data (or injecting malware), and now they want to make sure no one else does it to you?" If not, why this warning?
As always, we'll look for further developments in this story, and updates will be posted here as soon as we have more information.
Posted by Listener 43 (with thanks to Gyro Gearloose for his comments on the original post)